We hit a few runs on Trout Creek but things were off. The Pike's Peak Fly Fisher's annual picnic was the day before at RF and I think the trout were pretty worn out. We decided to move down to Cougar Lake. I stripped streamers for about an hour or so with one bite. I decided to switch to a nymph rig and try a slow retrieve. Tied on a 14 Zug Bug and a 16 Graphic Caddis. Third cast and the indicator took a dive and I set the hook. A MONSTER rainbow came up and rolled on the surface. Alicia was standing next to me and let out a gasp. This thing was a true beast. Not just because it got away either. This was a 30" class fish. I was in shock. I only had him on for a few seconds. Just long enough for him to come up and show himself. I have no idea how he came unbuttoned. I got a solid hook set and had that feeling like as long as I let him run he would be netted. This was a really tough one to lose. Especially after having a huge brown follow me up last trip in this same spot only to refuse at the last minute. Carma bank is filling up. I feel a toad coming up soon.
After that kick in the jewels we decided to head back to Trout Creek. We hadn't landed a fish! I was really starting to get worried. I would have stayed all night before getting skunked at RF. We drove up to the first few runs and saw Ben's truck from Steel City. I didn't noticed that it was Ben's truck on the way down to Cougar lake or I would have crowded in on him sooner :-) I asked Ben if we could fish below him. Ben said no problem and Lou said F3ck no. Get the f3ck out of here. LOL. Love these guys.
Within a few minutes we were hooking and landing fish. Phew.... I was getting worried there for a minute. Ben shared a sweet Caddis pattern and they were killing it. Ben and Lou had been there for a good part of the day and had landed a ton of nice fish.
The action had really picked up so I decided to see if Madi wanted in on it. She did a great job netting a nice bow for me and fought a rainbow for a good few minutes. She said it was fun, shrugged, and walked off LOL... The fishing gene must skip a generation. I believe I could sense Kensy silently thanking her lucky stars that she had to work. I wonder if she was actually on the schedule?
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