Mike Greene making a cast |
Tomahawk has some of the nicest water within an hour and a half from Colorado Springs. It winds through a beautiful valley with snow capped mountains in the background. Every bend of the river offers up perfect runs, riffles, and undercut banks. The trout aren't huge but they are aggressive and each run holds several nice rainbows and browns.
After lunch we hiked downstream about a half mile from the dirt parking lot and started fishing upstream back to the Jeep. This section of river opens up a little and gives you a little more room to cast. The trade off is less deep bend runs. Never-the-less we continued to hit trout on just about every bend. Mike switched to a dry dropper rig and had some luck on a size 14 yellow Simulator. It was fun seeing little 4-8" trout coming up to eat that fly! They couldn't even fit it in their mouths.
I wanted to get a little fish catching action on video and since we were regularly hooking fish I thought it would be a good chance to do so. Below are a few videos of Mike and I hooking into fish. Not huge by any means but you get a feel for how peaceful it is fishing here.
Note: If you are reading this in an email from subscribing to my blog you will not see the videos. You have to go to http://jamiesfishingjournal.blogspot.com/ to see the videos.
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