Saturday, February 15, 2014

Quick Morning Trip to Deckers

Deckers continues to surprise me! I have only been a handful of times in the past 5 years or so. This past summer was my first trip up there in a while. I have no idea why I haven't fished this area more but that is going to change.

There is no doubt that Deckers can be a crowded place but it doesn't seem to really matter. Every rock seems to have a trout behind it. You really don't need to get into the prime runs to find fish. It seemed that anything knee deep and fairly slow held a trout. And they are all SUPER healthy! 

Best patterns were a chamois leach and ale egg. I tie my leaches a little longer than the ones you find in the shops. Keep them about the same width as the ones you can buy but tie them 4" long. I use red GSP thread to really crank down on the chamois. I think it's key to find the softest chamois you can find. I've used leather leaches before but they are no where near as effective as a chamois leach.

Another pattern that was getting bit fairly consistently was a purple DM midge. I picked up half a dozen size 20 from Combat Fly Fishing before the Frostbite Fish-Off and they have worked everywhere I've tried them since then.  I've been fishing purple and red and both have done well but I think I've hooked more on the purple.

Not a super eventful trip but a fun one. Will be back to Deckers at least once before summer for sure!

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