Saturday, January 25, 2014

Frozen Sun Screen on the Taylor

You learn things when you are a ginger. Things non-gingers may not learn. One of those things is that sun screen will freeze solid. And when that happens you can decide to keep fishing and risk a painful week of batman eyes and ridicule, or you can sit in the car with the heater cranked directly on your bottle of life saving copper tone and warm up enough to feel your face again. I decided to warm up and avoid the lobster skin.

And I needed to warm up. Air temp was -5 when we started fishing at 7:30 and the wind was whipping. It was all I could do to flick a few yards of line out and stiffly rotate like a robot as I followed my indicator downstream. Hook sets were extremely delayed. Dad hooked up first and a 14" brown came up to the surface. "Ah damn it..... get off"..... Hmm... we are freezing our asses off standing in a mountain river in January fishing and we don't really want to hook a fish. Why? because the release part of catch and release will require you to take your gloves off  and hold your hands underwater. I had a moment of self doubt. What the hell was I doing? Why was I fishing when I didn't really want to catch a fish (under 24")? Why are we the only ones fishing one of the most pressured tailwaters in Colorado on a Saturday?

The reason showed up before the sun hit the water. Not the biggest fish in the run but a super nice male brownie. As soon as you see a fish like that on the end of your line everything else goes away. The weather was cold but the fishing was hot. We pulled at least a dozen fish out of the Avalanche Hole before 9:30.

All in all it was a good day of fishing. We both caught double digits and we had fairly steady action throughout the day. The hot pattern for me is what I call a Grinch Egg. It's a chartreuse egg tied on a red hook with a white halo. Killer pattern all over the place.  

I think we had a first on this trip. My Dad managed to switch flies in the hotel room the night before! He was rigged up and ready to go and I was tying some of my leach patterns and he couldn't resist :-)

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