We had a crew out on the Arkansas today. Marty, my Dad, and I met Ben Lewis in town and we headed down to Pueblo. We met up with David Fitch and his sons Michael and Steven. We had every inch of water covered around Valco Bridge.
Clockwise from upper left - Marty, Steven, Michael, David, Ben, Dad |
Ben and I made our way upstream and fished every nice run along the way. We had definitely made our way away from the stacked up stockers. The fishing was a lot tougher up stream. We fished about halfway back to the car when I hooked a nice rainbow. Ben grabbed the net and I was able to bring the trout's head up long enough for Ben to get the net on him. I thought he would go 20" but I couldn't quite stretch him that long. He was a nice 19" rainbow with a nice red stripe down his side. This guy wound up being the best fish of the day. Really enjoyed catching this one. This was the first descent fish I landed on my new Sage One 4WT 9' / Ross Evolution LT 1.5. What an awesome setup. Less than 7 ounces for the whole thing. Casts like a dream and the reel is smooth as silk.
We fished the next hole around the bend for a while but didn't hook up. We were in a perfect run but things sorta turned off around noon. Dad met up with us and started to cross the river downstream from us when he took a dive. It was a rerun of Marty's swim last week! He was able to grab on to a rock and save his net and rod. He was stuck in some pretty strong current but was up on his feet before Ben and I got down to him.
I worked my way up to the head of the run and was high sticking the far side of the main channel. After a few casts at the head of the pool I had a HARD hit and set the hook. I knew this was a nicer fish. He took a nice run across the stream and I was giddy listening to my new Ross sing. Dad took a quick snap just as I was netting this guy. He wound up being about a 15"-16" rainbow. Was going to get a picture of him but he had other ideas.